Friday, August 13, 2010

A Report from Tom Dufresne in El Vigia, Venezuela

We arrived on Saturday and were ushered to a meeting with Pastor Cesar Leal in his home. We met with several members of his church, one family had just arrived from Columbia. Great joy was provided by the Holy Spirit as we began our mission of understanding Spanish, since the interpreter was not yet present. De and Sherryl McCleery; Martha and myself were then taken to a hotel for a couple of days until arrangements for a home could be made. On Sunday we attended the Shalom Baptist Church and gave our testimonies. In the evening we attended the first small mission church. Tom preached that night to a full house of about 75 persons. Then on Monday we began going door to door in a gated community witnessing and inviting folks to an evening service in their compound. It was extremly hot and we rested in the late afternoon. Later that afternoon we went to Radio Luz de Vida radio station and Tom made a survey of the studio needs. The station engineer was not in town so we scheduled another trip to the mountain and transmitter for later. That evening Sherryl and Kerry preached with lots of wonderful music and prayer. About 100 residents of the community were in attendance. Five of the folks we witnessed to that morning accepted Christ. The youth of Shalom Baptist performed Christian dance program with witnessing after the service concluded and many of the community youth accepted Christ.

Tuesday we went to the farm area and went door to door to assist with planting a new church. Seven persons accepted Christ, we prayed for healing and Murf did two medical exams ages 7 days and 80 years old. A worship service was held in the late afternoon and Charles Harris (from Tennesse) preached. Many children were in attendance and the ladies from Shalom Church did a great presentation for VBS in 2 weeks. Wed. we drove to the city of Merida and saw several of our fellow workers from San Angelo. Everywhere we go we have the opportunity to give our testimonies and share tracts in Eng/Span--everyone is very receptive--thank you for your prayers!! Sherryl and De attended one of the mission churches on Wed. evening and witnessed to some prospects for the mission and ministered encouragement to the young pastor and wife. Martha preached at the Shalom Church. After the service one of the youth (16 yrs old) requested that we come to his home and share Christ with his mother. By the end of the evening his mother, father, younger sister and aunt accepted Christ--all were celebrating--especially that young man. He has been praying for this to happen.

Thank you for your continued prayers. We love you all and see you soon.

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