Saturday, July 7, 2007

An Impossible Dream

Our goals for the Crusade for Family Values in Caracas in 2008
1) filling a baseball stadium which seats 25,000 for 4 nights,
2) seeing 30,000 professions of faith during those 4 nights,
3) distributing 50,000 Spanish New Testaments,
4) starting 9 new standard churches, 500 cell type churches, and 1000 house churches,
5) strengthening existing churches in Caracas,
6) having Christian baseball players give their testimonies in the evening services,
7) sponsoring baseball clinics for the children during the day,
8) allowing the Holy Spirit to work through us to bring not only Caracas but all of Venezuela to a saving knowledge of Jesus,
9) pleasing God!

Some answers to prayer which we have already seen include
1) the donation of the 50,000 Spanish New Testaments,
2) a connection with the D.A.W.N. (Disciple a Whole Nation) organization in helping start house churches,
3) a connection with the FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) to help line up baseball players and organize baseball clinics,
4) The BGCT (Baptist General Convention of Texas) will recommend a three to five year partnership with the Venezuelan Baptist Convention...a group of BGCT representatives are in Venezuela this week (June 16-23) to meet with churches and pastors across the country,
5) orientation and training of pastors has been set up for June 30, September 29, and November 24...Buck, Kerry & Diane, and Gail will travel to Caracas to meet with these groups June 28-30.

Additional prayer requests include
1) acquiring a sea container big enough to ship the 50,000 New Testaments and a truck to haul them to port,
2) getting the contract to use the 25,000 seat stadium,
3) lining up six to ten professional baseball players who will share their testimony on TV and at the stadium each night,
4) raising funds for the crusade, estimated at $500,000,
5) asking God to speak to President Hugo Chavez and to his spiritual needs,
6) asking God for volunteers who are willing to go and do house to house witnessing during the weeks of January 20 - February 3, 2008.

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