Saturday, July 7, 2007

Prayer List

Praying for the Crusade for Family Values in Caracas, Jan 27-Feb 1, 2008

1) New Testaments - printing and shipping of 50,000 New Testaments
2) Baseball Players - Venezuelan baseball players who play in the U.S. major leagues and who are share their testimonies at the crusade each night
3) Office - in Caracas to deal with all the details and logistics of bringing close to 1000 volunteers in from the U.S. to help with this effort and in San Angelo to deal with the details of those 1000
4) Equipment - a laptop and video projector to be used in preparation of this effort
5) Location - permission to use the stadium for this event...or another place which will accommodate the anticipated crowds
6) Political climate - continue to pray for the political climate in Venezuela and for Hugo Chavez
7) Funds - pray that people will give generously to fund this effort...approximate cost: $500,000 U.S.
8) Translators - pray that God will provide the 200+ translators from Venezuela needed for this event as well as the fund to pay them for their services.
9) Dr. Richard Jackson - pray that God will protect and guide Dr. Jackson, evangelist for the crusade, in these weeks and months leading up to this evangelistic effort.
10) Other details - there are many other details and contacts involved...pray that God will direct the planning team as well as those He has in mind to be a part of this event.
11) Volunteers - pray that God will begin now to impress upon the hearts of those He will direct to be a part of this crusade effort, that He will protect them and their families and make it possible for them to join Him in bringing the people of Caracas to know Him as their Lord and Savior.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Translators - pray that God will provide the 200+ translators from Venezuela needed for this event as well as the fund to pay them for their services.

Prayers will be offered at Zoar Community Church for the entire mission - especially this critical need.