Friday, October 19, 2007

Gideon's Army in Caracas

Good Brothers and Sweet Sisters,
Thank you so much for praying. In answer to prayer God gave us the opportunity to speak to hundreds of evangelical Christians concerning little churches that multiply. Tony and Felicity Dale lead six hour training sessions in six different areas of Caracas for all who wanted to start house churches. Team members and Venezuelan leaders were incorporated into the training process. 300 were trained and commissioned into the harvest. There were reports of several churches being started since our brief visionary visit in June. In Puerto Ayacucho on the edge of the rain forest of the Amazons 85 were trained and commissioned. The meetings were so Spirit filled that it was said the mosquitoes were humming, ‘There is Power in the Blood.’ Please continue to pray as training opportunities continue to develop and we move toward the stadium crusade in Caracas January 24-27, 2008.
Your rejoicing brother,

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