Tuesday, October 23, 2007

You Can Be a Part of This!!!!

Are you interested in being a part of one of the most exciting events ever? If you have read many of these blog posts, you know of the exciting things in store for Caracas in January of 2008. If you haven't read them, I encourage you to do so to learn of the plans being laid out for a great evangelistic crusade in the city of Caracas, capital of Venezuela, home to over 6 million people, and only 39 Baptist churches! Caracas is the largest unevangelized city in South America. Yet the door is open and people are hungry to hear the Word of God. We have experienced this firsthand.
So, what do you do after you read the blogs and learn all there is to know about the Caracas Crusade? Hopefully God is leading you in at least one of three ways...
First of all, you can pray. Everyone can pray. You will find prayer requests throughout many of the postings on this blog. Many people come to us and say, "We can't go, we can't give, all we can do is pray." What they don't realize is that praying is the single most important thing they can do! Without prayer, none of this is possible. And believe me when I say that when we go down to Venezuela, we feel the prayers of the people back home. It is such an awesome feeling...I can't really describe it. So pray, pray, pray.
Second, perhaps you can give. We estimate this crusade costing close to $250,000. We have been handed the responsibility of raising almost all of this. The people of Caracas...the local churches and the national convention...are doing what they can, but basically they are a poor nation relying on our help. We believe God gives to us so that we can give back to Him. All we ask is that you pray about it and ask what God wants you to do, how much He wants you to give. Some of you have great resources from which you can give; others of you live on meager means but will feel led to give what you see as a small portion. Whether great or small, all gifts are precious and all gifts are worthy. And God will bless all givers, no matter the size of their gifts.
Third, maybe God wants you to go! Yes, go to Caracas in January to be a part of this massive effort in leading 25,000-30,000 people to Christ in a 4-day city-wide evangelistic crusade. Here is what you need to do: Contact us at venezuelavision@gmail.com and let us know you want to go with us. Or call us at the Vision Office at 325-657-2900 or 877-657-2939 and talk to one of our office volunteers. We will then send you a registration packet...we can e-mail it to you, snail mail it to you, or fax it to you. Cost for the trip is $1500.00. You will need to return pages 3 & 4 of the packet (with all your pertinent information) and $1000 as soon as possible. The remaining $500 will be due January 1, 2008. We encourage you to get your registration and first payment in as soon as possible in order that we can get airline reservations secured and begin the process of making all the other arrangements such as hotel reservations and trip insurance. Also, please make sure your passport is in order. If you do not have one, begin the process immediately...because of the new regulations, there are more people seeking passports, so it will take a little longer to get one. If you have any questions, call the office! If one of the volunteers cannot answer your questions, they will refer you to us, and we will be glad to talk with you!
Please pray about how God wants you involved in Caracas 2008. Many of you are already involved, and we praise God for you. Many of you have been praying continually, checking this blog daily, and encouraging us all along the way. You have given back to God a portion of what He has given you, and we are so grateful. Some of you are already signed up and ready to board that plane heading south in January. Praise the Lord! We love everyone of you!


Anonymous said...

There are at least 350 churches in Caracas. Perhaps you meant that there were obly 30 CNBV (Baptist) churches in Caracas.

Diane said...

Thank you for the correction...you are right. I meant Baptist churches.