Sunday, January 20, 2008

Arrival and Orientation

What a day yesterday! After traveling all day, catching flights in airports across the country, twenty-nine members of our team arrived in Caracas. After arriving, we had the pleasure of standing in l – o – n – g lines at immigration, claiming baggage, and then standing in another l – o – n – g line at customs. The whole process takes from an hour to an hour and half. Then we had to load up all the baggage and drive about 30-45 minutes to the hotel. Kerry says it is like running a marathon, then having to run a sprint when you get to the finish line! By the time the last ones arrived at the hotel it was 3:00 in the morning. Two of our members, Mike & Maria, did not make it until today, having had two separate problems with their plane in Dallas and missing their connection in Miami. But what a testimony they have! God had work for them to do, people who needed their ministry and testimony, while sitting on an airplane! Three members of our team had arrived early, so there are 34 of us here now. Another 18 (our house church planters) will be coming in next week to complete the team.

This morning (after a very short night!) we had an excellent time of getting to know one another, I felt like I already knew all everyone from the many phone calls and e-mails involved in setting everything up. I was so glad to meet people at the airport last night and others at the hotel this morning and be able to put faces with names! Richard Beal, one of our IMB missionaries, gave a brief orientation on our stay in Caracas, and Jacobo gave a little pep talk, thanking us for coming to Caracas to help share Christ with the people here. He also shared some of the history of the church here in Venezuela.

This afternoon is pretty much a free time for everyone…some are catching up on their zzzz’s, taking the traditional siesta. Others have ventured out to explore the neighborhood around the hotel. Some of the guys are going to the baseball game tonight.

Tomorrow we will all go to different churches. Each team member will be assigned to one of the local churches.

Everyone is so excited about the upcoming week and is eager to see how God will move among His people. I am excited about writing this report every night (I hope!) and sharing our week with you. After getting here I have learned that the internet access is only in the lobby, and the connection is not very strong. I can't pull up the blogspot tonight. So it's e-mail....I'll try the blog later.

Keep don't know how much it means to us to have our friends and family praying for us. And prayer is what makes the difference in our witness here and in the saving of souls. So pray, pray, pray!

We are exhausted...going to be early. Tomorrow will be a long day.
Love to all,
Diane & Kerry
(I posted this on Sunday night...finally got a connection!)

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