Thursday, January 31, 2008

Numbers and Testimonies

This is a preliminary report from Jacobo....we believe some of these numbers to be low...

There is indescribable joy when, in compliance to the mandate of "Go and Preach", we see that men and women respond to the call to deliver their lives to Christ Jesus.

God in His grace granted us a group of beloved in the faith to work in evangelism January 21-27, 2008 in the five zones that compose the capital region (Caracas, Altos Mirandinos, Guarenas-Guatire, Edo. Vargas and Valles del Tuy), and to see several thousands of people coming to the feet of Christ. To HIM we give the glory and to all the ones that cooperated, our deep gratitude.

Some numbers for your information:
1. People that received Christ: 3,908
2. People that reconciled themselves with the Lord: 322
3. Presentations of the gospel person to person: 9,720
4. Groups of biblical studies initiated: 53
5. People involved in the personal evangelism:
5.1 Of the interior of the country: 385
5.2 Of the United States: 70
5.3 Of the churches of the Capital Region: 715
6. Churches that participated: 32
7. Some testimonies:
7.1 More than 100 people were converted to Christ Jesus, impacted with the testimony of Carlos Subero. (We believe Jacobo was either referring to the baseball clinic which Carlos attended OR to the wonderful trifold salvation tract Carlos prepared which included his testimony and prayer for salvation.)
7.2 Various soldiers that participated in the custody of the presidents that were in Caracas because of the Summit were converted by the Lord.
7.3 A Jehovah’s Witness accepted Christ as his personal Savior.
7.4 In the two nights of preaching that was outdoors, more than 100 people received Christ Jesus.
7.5 Various employees of the Hotel Anauco Hilton came to the feet of Christ.
7.6 Seven baseball clinics were carried out with success, with more than 400 people converted.
7.7 In the presentations that were carried out of the strategy "Festivals of the Street" there was more than 300 converted.
7.8 There has remained a great motivation in the churches that participated in this great evangelism event.
7.9 There were churches, like the IB Emanuel of Caracas, where more than 400 people received the Lord.
7.10 So many of the participants that came from the interior of the country as influenced by those from the United States were impacted tremendously; there were moments when the groups met to pray and they cried glorifying the precious Lord as He blessed the work carried out during those days.
8. Our great challenge for the next months. Upon not having the possibility of carrying out the massive crusade in the University Stadium as was our intent, we have been challenged to carry out that effort April 24-27 in the sports complex "United Nations". We have a call to work intently to contribute to the development of those men and women who during these days have opened their hearts to Christ Jesus; to cry out to the Lord for this city of Caracas, for the attainment of resources and the good disposition of our churches for a great impact during the next month of April. I believe with all my soul that God is giving us the honor to live in the best historic moment to present the gospel. During these days we have seen that of each 10 people to the ones that we have presented the gospel with clarity and simplicity and under the power of the Holy Spirit, 6 of them have been converted Christ. We do not know how long this great door will be open, I invite you to unite hands, knees, minds and hearts so that a greater number of the people that live in this country by you can be saved. We invite you to be included.

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