Sunday, January 6, 2008

Lack of Blogging

Yes, you are right...I have been lax in keeping you up to date in our process. The holidays have been especially busy and hectic, it seems. We went to San Diego one weekend to see our youngest son who was not able to be home for Christmas, I went to Odessa one Saturday to a Christmas event with my mother, I was sick for a week just before Christmas, my sister and her family came for the weekend before Christmas, we had our kids and grandkids in the week after Christmas, then our annual New Year's Day open house, followed by more out of town guests this past weekend (my niece whom I have mentioned before on this blogspot and her four children)...and that brings us to today which has been spent trying to get information and name tags in order to mail out to all of the team members tomorrow or the next day. And yes, my Christmas trees and decorations are still up...maybe they will find their way to the boxes this week. At least Kerry got the outside lights down this afternoon!

I will try to do better, but no promises. The next 12 days will be filled with packing up Christmas, packing suitcases, going over lists and charts making sure everyone on the team has everything they need, making last minute decisions that should have been made already but could not be until now...does that make sense? Read my other blog for today, and maybe you will understand.

I understand the hotel where we will be staying will have internet access, so hopefully I will be able to post an update each day while we are gone. Check it out...and pray, pray, pray!!!

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