Thursday, January 31, 2008

Lemons to Lemonade

This is an edited report from David Ripley who joined us for a few days toward the end of our week in Caracas.

It is just unbelievable what we sensed in Venezuela. I liken it to the Communist countries when the wall was torn down. Especially Romania where we saw the Holy Spirit just hover over our teams and the openness to the Gospel. I liken it to Korea during the 80's when the mighty revival swept that land. I never experienced people coming to Christ as I did then in my five years of ministry in Korea. I believe this is what is happening in Venezuela.

Lemons to Lemonade ... Two years of planning, praying and organizing with a major stadium Crusade in the city of Caracas. 40,000 Bibles - 70 Believers from the States joining 350 Believers from Venezuela under the local leadership of Jacobo and Ladimiro and under the American leadership of Kerry Peacock, with the Evangelist to be Dr. Richard Jackson, well known leader and pastor from the States. They were expecting 30,000 people per night. At the last moment, literally on January the 4th, the Government revoked the signed contract for the stadium and the event was cancelled. What do you do? The Teams are on the way from the States, the Bibles are already there. But, God! Let me tell you what He did.

We joined with the 70 going into Caracas to every venue possible. Universities, sports clinics, hospitals, prisons. Joining with 37 local churches. Conducting 5 simultaneous small venue crusades and saturating every place with the Gospel Message. Some of the teams are still on the ground there in Caracas. A follow-up team of house church planters will be continuing until February 4th starting new house churches with the new converts. Over 5,000 converts. Over 10,000 Bibles distributed.

The hotel where we stayed was in the center of Caracas. A strategic location. Across the main boulevard is the Alpa Hotel, formerly the Hilton, that the current Government is now using for Governmental purposes. While we were there, the Presidents of other Latin American countries were having a five day Summit. We knew that something major was going on because of the security. There were soldiers all around the area - in our hotel lobby, restaurant, etc., etc. Each morning we noticed an elite military squad of about 16 men and a commander. We had been praying for them. Then we would see them again at night. (They were all business.) On Saturday morning, with my friend Ladimiro (he is a college professor), whom we have worked with for 7 years, along with many of the American Team, we were praying to share Christ with these men. We did not know their purpose for being there, but we saw an opportunity. As we prayed, Ladimiro asked the Commander could he share with his men. He said, Yes. He presented the Gospel. The Presence of the Holy Spirit was so strong two of the men openly received Christ. Every one accepted a Bible. Because of what was happening with the Team from America in that hotel, God touched the management, and they asked for Bibles so they could put them in every room and to be given to every worker in the hotel. Finally, and most important, the Bibles were given by Dr. Richard Jackson, one of the great Evangelistic Preachers of our generation. This Bible is tremendous. It has the plan of Salvation and is totally marked and detailed to be able to present the Gospel in order for a person to come to Christ. Only eternity will reveal the results of these Bibles. The leaders of Venezuela are praying for a million more of these Bibles! The vision of Kerry, his wife Diane and many of his friends saw the mighty working of God. Please continue to pray for this great movement of God in one of the major "hotspots of the world".

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